You've probably played EVE before. For slightly more or less than an hour. Or maybe you lasted a week and then you lost your mining barge to a pack of pirates having been drawn into low-sec by the lore of fancier space rocks. Before deciding (or rage quitting). No. "Fuck that" or "Boring. Time-sink. Dead". But here you are, 2 or 3 years later. EVE hasn't died. You saw the latest trailer or your brain sabotaged you out of the blue with a slightly more mature outlook and thought. "What was that game I played once? Maybe I missed something...?" SignificanceYes. You did miss something. You are missing out. How? Significance. "What do you mean?" I'm glad to asked. Imagine, for a moment, being part of a fleet of 249 fellow capsuleers from around the world, whom you have spent weeks, months or years befriending and realising your plans for universal domination (literally). Your presence makes a significant difference to the outcome of events in every moment. From harvesting space rocks or being the hero pilot who caught your enemy's flag ship, in the battle for a highly important strategic objective, leading to your fleet becoming heralded for winning the war. Simples. Your involvement made the difference between victory and failure. And the best part? You were part of a team. A community. With everyone playing their own specific role. You accomplished it together. Become part of historyYour involvement in that battle and every action you played before, made a difference. Every ISK earned, ore mined and battle fought. The future is yet to be written and you have the potential of playing a significant role in it. Give EVE Online another goWhy am I bothering, as an independent creator (who should be editing a film right now) to sell this game to you again? Because I know your BORED. Lacking MEANING. You wouldn't be reading this is that wasn't true. Grinding for gear just isn't cutting it anymore. You need a game where your actions mean something, to someone. ANYONE. There's a saying in New Eden: "You don't quit EVE, you take breaks". I've played EVE on and off since 2006. It was in 2016 when I accepted the fact that the game would be a part of the rest of my life. So you've had a long break. And now you're back. Contact 'Lyrith Turalyon' in-game - I'd love to hear your story. (Also because I need more recruits...) "I can't believe I'm doing this..." Categories All Archives |
AuthorJack Elliott Hobbs aka. Lyrith Turalyon in the online game EVE Online created by CCP Games. With over 10 years of experience as an EVE player and fleet commander, Lyrith is a die-hard Gallente/Minmatar pilot who spends the majority of his time in low-sec looking for action, but also explores all the complex game has to offer. Give EVE another go
All EVE Online content is owned by CCP Games.